Melissa Black, MD

Melissa Black, MD

Dr. Black is physician specializing in Geriatric Medicine. She has a direct primary care practice in Decatur, GA. Direct primary care is designed to be a low cost, high quality primary care. This is made possible by low business overhead, minimized staff and maximized technology including on-line self scheduling and enhanced electronic medical records & communication.   Her goal is to make direct primary care accessible for most people. The DPC model lowers health costs by reducing the price of medications and testing, reducing use of urgent or emergency care when possible, and by lowering the risk of medical errors from uncoordinated care.

Dr. Black's practice is now accepting patients for EldercareMD services, ages 60+ at this time.  If you are interested in the EldercareMD service for yourself or your loved one, please call 404-981-6278 for more information and scheduling.

Practice Location: 505 Medlock Rd Decatur, GA 30030


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